Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Some guy set up a motion-triggered camera deep in the woods of Ridgway, Pennsylvania which is about 115 miles northeast of Pittsburgh. He was trying to get photos of deer but instead captured the following:

Is it a sasquatch? Some say yes, others say no. The Pennsylvania Game Commission claims that the photo shows "a bear with a severe case of mange." But those back legs look far too long to belong to a bear. Moreover, they bend slightly at the knee. I see a bipedal creature stooped over in a foraging position. Personally, I don't really believe in bigfoot. But I don't rule out the possibility that it does in fact exist. Perhaps it's a very thin or underweight bear. The front left leg, or arm, looks to be about the same length as its back one. Hmmm... Until I see definitive evidence, not just photographic evidence (which is open to interpretation), I'm siding with the skeptics. But it really does look like a humanoid.

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