Monday, December 22, 2008

Cabin Fever... a slang term for a claustrophobic reaction that takes place when a person or group is isolated and/or shut in, for an extended period. Symptoms include restlessness, irritability, forgetfulness, laughter, and excessive sleeping. Another one is complete madness.

As the plows and gravel trucks continue to tirelessly fight the mounting snow and ice, Multnomah county has declared a state of emergency in an effort to obtain monetary assistance from the state (not likely) and the federal government (somewhat likely). Tri-met has now canceled all but its busiest routes, effectively stranding anyone without a chained-up four-wheel-drive or a Subaru.

Reading the comments on news sites and other blogs, the general consensus seems to be anger. Anger at the city, county and state that each respective municipality hasn't budgeted enough for inclement weather.

To reiterate yesterday's post, times are tough economically--you can't ignore that fact. Folks complain about tax hikes while our schools and public works still suffer. In an area where snow and ice of this scale are so rare, it seems silly to horde precious money for situations like these.

My suggestion: embrace it. Big kids need snow days too.


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