Thursday, December 13, 2007

silent but deadly

One of my favorite artists, Michael Sieben, collaborated with another artist, Jeremy Fish, on a skateboard graphic. Both dudes have been making their mark in the skateboarding world for a few years now. Sieben's work can be seen on pieces by Volcom clothing and in the pages of Thrasher, where he pens a column accompanied by illustrations every month. Within the last year or so, he's also been the sole graphic designer and art director over at Bueno skateboards which, due to a pretty unmarketable pro squad, will likely get its plug pulled. Jeremy Fish has been a fixture in the [for lack of a better term] skate-art world for a couple years now and has been lumped in with the likes of Todd Bratrud, Travis Millard and Ed Templeton. Both of these guys have unique styles that draw heavily on comic art with their thickly inked lines and outlandish depictions. I dig their stuff and I also think this board is a good representation of their respective talents. It's cool that they came together to collaborate on a piece too. The skateboard is something like $80 I think, so DON"T SKATE IT if you end up buying it.

LISTEN TO HANK WILLIAMS' song KAW-LIGA. it's really cool............

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